Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Getting Back on The Diet After Vacation

Well we got back from Las Vegas on Friday. We had a wonderful time. We went for the shows and for The Food. Somehow I only managed to gain 3 lbs. Not bad! This is why I believe in cheat days. It is unrealistic to imagine staying on a diet every day. If you do that, when you do cheat - which you will, then you will freak out and binge eat and before you know it a few months will have gone by and you will have gained back all the weight and then some. Been there, done that. So I let myself have a cheat day once a week. This way every week I practice falling off and getting back on the wagon. Eating healthy 85.71% of the time is something I can do forever, as a lifestyle. 100%, um no. Here is some of the wonderful food I enjoyed while on vacation....

The Buffet at Aria....

Room service at 4 a.m.....

A-mazing steak and lobster at Brand at the Monte Carlo.....

Unbelievable Sushi at MGM....

And finally on my birthday The 4th of July a 4-course meal at The Stratosphere.....

So how did I eat all this and only gain 3 lbs? MODERATION. When you are going to cheat the key is to cheat in moderation. I was able to enjoy some of the best food I have eaten in my life, without ruining my diet and weight loss. Also if you can steer clean of high calorie beverages when you cheat that helps a lot. I don't know about you, but I would rather eat my calories than drink them. 

Upon returning home we had a birthday dinner with the family and yes there was a chocolate cake. If it is your birthday- EAT THE DAMN CAKE!!! Then Monday it was right back on the wagon. Before we left for vacation we completely cleaned out the fridge. When we got back we headed to Sam's and the grocery store and re-filled the fridge and pantry with healthy food. Last night we had a lovely stuffed salmon filet with peas and wild rice pilaf. Yummy! I think that is my favorite meal. 

So to sum it up. Cheat days and/or cheat meals are, in my opinion, an important part of a healthy lifestyle, because they teach you how to get right back on the wagon. This allows for you to go on vacation, have a cheat week, eat birthday cake and not ruin your diet. Viva Las Vegas ! 

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